Saturday, September 27, 2008

Can taking a triphasic birth control cause acne

« ...Until the retinoids became available, there wasn't anything that really affected comedonal acne. Theoretically, if you prevent the formation of the precursor, you prevent all the subsequent lesions from forming. That probably can occur if you can get enough of the right retinoid, either systemically or topically....
...Do an internet search for "acne cure" and you will get thousands of pages from companies trying to sell you the latest cleanser, to forum sites and message boards offering free advice. One thing they all have in common is they all claim to have an acne cure. However, if you make an appointment to see a dermatologist he or she will look you in the eye and tell you that an acne cure does not exist. What they will tell you is, there might not be a cure, but with medication we can control it....»
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«...Sometimes, baby acne just seems to be very persistent and doesn't seem like it is going to heal any time soon. In this kind of situation, some parents may start to feel panic. They may even be tempted to medicate the skin themselves. Try to avoid doing so....»
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tags: cystic acne pills, proactive acne medicine free trial, is merle norman acne skin care review

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