Thursday, July 3, 2008

Acne and food coloring and acne free in 3 days does it work

Home treatments for acne are not new and they have been around for a long time. In fact, it is high probability that your grandmother had a few remedies and home treatments in her collection of beauty secrets. Long before cosmetics were sold in stores, women found interesting ways to accentuate their beauty with homemade makeup. Women also found many ways to add fragrance to their hair and to treat different skin problems such as dryness, wrinkles, and even acne. If you have light acne, occasional breakouts, or acne prone skin, paying attention to some of grandma's secrets can become a big help in your fight for clear skin.
One of the most effective treatments is laser resurfacing. It has been in use since years for removing or minimizing the acne scars. All laser used in this treatment has the high-energy ray of light, which targets particular structures inside the skin. It resurfaces the skin, which directly means that it demolishes the outer layer of the affected skin and makes it smoother than ever before. Ablative techniques undoubtedly are effective ones but they are not very much popular because the recovery time that is needed is very long. Talk to doctor in detail before you go for any laser treatment for any type of skin diseases.
Acne can be categorized into two categories. Inflammatory acne and non inflammatory acne. Inflammatory acne refers to acne (nodules, papules, zits or whatever you may call it) that causes redness, pain, and swelling while non inflammatory acne refers to whiteheads and blackheads. In terms of the damage it does to how you look, inflammatory acne is what most people cannot live with. It causes pain and redness that is just not so good a sight in everyone's eyes.
tags: acne face soap, how do you get rid of acne on your but, over the counter acne treatment

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